
Edmond Sanou

Postdoctoral Fellow in Biostatistics

Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority


I’m currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the French Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority in the Laboratory for the radiobiology of accidental exposure, working with Amine Benadjaoud. My research broadly focuses on developing statistical methods to characterize a computer vision algorithm with applications in biological dosimetry.

Before this, I received my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the Paris-Saclay University where I was fortunate to be advised by  Christophe Ambroise and  Geneviève Robin in the Evry Mathematics and Modeling Lab (Statistics and Genome group).


  • Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, 2023

    Université Paris Saclay

  • Diplôme d'Ingénieur, Biostatistics, 2019

    ENSAI, Rennes

  • Licence en Statistiques-Informatique, 2016

    Université Nazi Boni


Teaching assistant positions

Université d’Evry